I’m Struggling to Write a Book

I want to write a book, but I can’t seem to pour from my brain onto paper.

Felishia La-Shae
2 min readSep 14, 2021
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

I have so many ideas that swirl around in my brain. I want to put them on paper, but I struggle to put words down. I gather enough information for the plot and the main character. I start building upon the main character and adding to the plot through notes, but when it comes to adding dialogue and descriptions, I’m just lost.

The Block

Picture this! I’m sitting in my living room and I have my notebook. I’m writing down tons of notes. I’m pumped! I’m excited! I take the notebook over to my desk where my computer is and I write like two sentences and then I just stare. The blank, white screen with twenty words on it just stares back at me. I feel like it's taunting me.

I don't get it.

Why is it so hard to just put my ideas on paper?

Part of me thinks that I am scared of the book not being good enough. I think I feel like if I write an entire book, nobody will want to read it or like it. I do understand that it shouldn’t matter what other people think of my writing. I get that. 100 %. However, one of the writing goals that I want to accomplish is to create a world that readers can get lost in when they read my books.



Felishia La-Shae

Writer, Dreamer, Creator. Navigating life one sentence at a time.